Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I learn most life lessons the good old fashioned way - by making mistakes and learning from them!  I sometimes wish that I could go back in time and personally counsel my younger self.  I would have so much to share with myself about not worrying, about how to invest my time and energy, and how to handle disappointment.  I wish I had known then what I know now.

My birthday is toward the end of the year, and I always try to take a good look at my life at that time, and what I've learned.  This is my "Top 30" Life Lesson List that I wrote this year on my birthday, which was posted on Facebook, and had a huge response.  I had many people write me personal notes after sharing this, so I thought I'd share it with you today.  I still struggle with many of these, but I am learning.  I don't believe in regrets, or "what-ifs" because they are a waste of time and energy.  However, I do believe that if we pay attention and let life experiences teach us, we can learn valuable life lessons when we learn them the hard way.

MY TOP 30 LIFE LESSONS:  What I've Learned So Far

30.  Attitude is more important than aptitude.
29.  Fill your mind, heart, soul and life with positive people, positive thoughts and positive actions.    Purge all negativity from your life.  Your thoughts and the company you keep shape the person you are becoming.
28.  Never miss an opportunity to give, to smile, or to go to the bathroom.
27.   Both good and bad things will happen in life.  The difference between success and failure is not what happens to you, but how you respond to it.
26.   Think for yourself.   You live with the choices you make.  Consider wise counsel, but ultimately listen to your own heart.  It's okay to say no, to say yes, or to say wait.
25.   Never ever make important decisions when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.  (The HALT principle.)
24.     People are more important than projects.  Don't reduce people to the level of projects, and don't give projects the same importance as  people. 
23.   If you don't like something about your life, stop whining about it and change it.  If you can't change it, then learn the art of finding joy within your limits. You are the only person who can change your life, and you are the only person who can make you happy.
22  Spend as much time as possible in nature, with animals, with those less fortunate, with children, and with the elderly.  It will revolutionize your outlook and remind you that it's not all about you.
21.  Everyone has a creative gift within them.  Find yours, and make room in your life for creative expression.  Spend time with other people who share your creative passions.
20.  Live in the moment and be where you are.  Learn from your past, hope in the future, but don't build your home in either place, or you will miss your life. It's happening NOW.
19.   Dream big, set goals, shoot for the sun.  You just might get the moon and stars thrown in, and you'll become more confident and more empowered with every goal you reach.
18.  Forgive others, and forgive yourself.  You will never find peace apart from forgiveness.
17.  Being kind is more important than being right.  Unless you're a surgeon.
16  Laughter, hugs and kisses are life's energy.  Give and receive them generously, every day of your life. 
15.  Be the kind of person you would want  to spend every moment of every day of the rest your life with.  After all, you're actually doing that.
14.  Do something kind for someone each day who cannot repay you.
13.   Know who the "safe people" are in your life,  the people in whom you can confide and unburden your heart.  Spend time with them.  Become that friend to someone else.
12.  Do your best to work hard, keep your promises and admit when you are wrong.
11.   Face your fears and defeat them.  Most of what you are afraid of will never actually happen.  Fear is paralyzing, so keep moving forward even if you're afraid.
10.    Do the "have to" things before you do the "want to" things, but make sure you always make time for the "want to" things. 
9.  The root of unhappiness and discontentment is comparison and disappointment. Stop comparing yourself to others and adjust your expectations.
8,  Happy people are grateful, thankful people.  Keep a gratitude list going at all times, and begin each day by reviewing your list.
7.   Don't confuse love with rescuing and helping others.  Sometimes we love best when we allow others to learn to help themselves.  The happiness of others is ultimately their responsibility.
6.  Read good books.  Experience music and the arts.  Write in a journal.  Through these things you will learn to know yourself and your world.
5.  Each year, learn a new skill, take a new adventure, do things on your bucket list.
4.  Failure is an event, not an identity.  Failure does not define you.  Everyone fails at some point in life.  Learn from it, get up and move on.
3.  Hope is the most important possession you have.  Do whatever you must to nurture it, grow it, protect it and hold on to it.  There will be times in life when it is literally all you've got.  Hopelessness and despair are enemies of the soul, and the smallest amount of hope can conquer both.
2.  Never doubt that one person can make a difference and change the world.  That's all who ever has.
1.  Love lavishly, generously, and without measure every day of your life.  The more love you give, the more you get in return.  Love changes everything. Love is all you need.

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