Wednesday, June 4, 2014


You’ve Got A Friend 

What is our biggest fear as humans, and what is our deepest need?  I think our biggest fear is rejection, followed by loneliness.  We might initially think that our biggest fear is failure, but we can handle even the biggest failures in life if we know the people we love and respect won’t reject us when we fail.  Rejection is the thing we fear most, and feeling lonely follows closely behind.  We fear rejection in love, in work, in relationships with friends and family, and in everything we do.  When we choose to reveal the deepest places in our soul to another person, we risk rejection.

We feel this way because we actually reject ourselves, at some level.  We don’t like the deep dark places.  We know who we are, including all of the unlovely parts.  How could anyone really see us as we are, and accept us?  So we keep our ugliness hidden away.  We slap on some lip gloss and designer clothes, we cover ourselves up in religion and politics (or ANTI religion and politics), we hide away in hobbies, families, vacations, bottles of wine and prescription drugs, we present a rather pristine image through social media.  We work hard at presenting ourselves, as we desperately want to be seen.  We are marketing experts!  We are fine, thanks.  We are great.  We are good citizens and parents and spouses and human beings.  We go to church, we save animals, we recycle, we give to the poor, we wash our cars and vote and volunteer, and we have never murdered anybody.   But deep down we have needs that are unseen, and often go unmet.

What is our deepest need as humans?  I think it is to have another soul see us for who we are, warts and all, and to truly accept us and love us.  It is to have someone know us completely, inside and out, and love us in spite of ourselves.  It is to connect fully with another soul – to know and be known, hiding nothing.  Full disclosure, with total love and acceptance.  We want this in romance, with friends, with family, with coworkers.  We want to be real, and to be loved for the real people that we are.  That kind of love and connection is extraordinary.  That is what we all need.  That is what we all long for.  I can sum it up in two words:  Intimate friendship.

Whether you are a man or woman, from Mars or Venus, full disclosure with another person requires a huge amount of trust.  It requires having an inside-out heart – turning your heart inside out so that another person sees the dark parts too, the nooks and crannies, the fears and failures, the underbelly.  It’s risky, because that’s how hearts get broken.  That’s how lives become shattered.  What if someone we trust decides to betray our secrets, our trust, and our love?  What if they abandon us?  It happens.  It hurts.  We learn this early on in life, and we learn to compensate and protect ourselves.  It’s part of the risk you take when you choose to connect fully with another human soul.  

But I am learning that the risk of being hurt is well worth the reward.  The greatest gift in life is intimate friendship.  I have been incredibly blessed (and I don’t throw that word around lightly) in my life with friends who outshine even the most loyal definition of what friendship should be.  They are friend “superheroes” to me.  And I want to be that kind of friend, too.

Top 10 Reasons We Need A Friend  

1.     Love.  You need that one person who loves you, every minute of every day, no matter what.  You know they’re out there and that they love you, even if you don’t see or talk to them every day.
2.     Connection.  The ability to connect soul-to-soul, effortlessly, holding nothing back.
3.     Support.  No matter what choices you make in life, they’ve got your back.  They’re the ones holding your hand while you head into surgery, wiping your tears when your heart is broken, holding your head when you’re hung over, or posting your bail when you do something stupid.
4.     Cheerleader.  We need our own cheering section!  That person shouting our name, telling us we can DO THIS.  They believe in us even when we don’t believe in ourselves.
5.     Honesty.  Ouch.  The one who speaks the truth in love.  They love us enough to call us on the carpet when we are wrong, and tell us what we need to hear.  They always have our best interest in mind with the goal of helping.
6.     Perspective.  They pull our heads out of our (ahem) dark places.  They give us a new attitude.  They ask us to consider another viewpoint when we’re stuck in the loop of negative thinking.
7.     Life Coach.  They take time to work with us, to coach us through problems, challenges, and complex situations.  They help us with our playbook, our game plan.  They sometimes even call the plays for us when we need it.  We learn to rely on their voice and their instruction.  They help us and make us better.
8.     Loyalty.  They are the 3am phone call when we’re awake and panicking.  They drop everything they are doing when we need them.  They are there for us, always, no questions asked.
9.     Laughter.  They make us laugh till we cry.  They make us laugh WHEN we’re crying.  They jolly us out of the tar pit and pull us back into the sunshine.  They feed us hot fudge sundaes and watch trashy TV with us. 
10. Intimacy.  This is really what it’s all about.  It’s the heart, mind, and soul connection.  This is life energy.  It is what we need most.

Maybe you’re in a lonely season and you don’t have an intimate friend in your life right now.  The best way to find a friend like this is to BE one.  Take the initiative to make that call, send that text or email, and get together for coffee or dinner.  Be the friend you wish you had.  Choose wisely.  You’ll be glad you did. 

One of my favorite movies is “It’s A Wonderful Life”.  At the end of the movie, Clarence the angel writes a note to George Bailey that says, “No man is a failure who has friends.”  And that’s the truth.


Here’s my favorite friendship song.
Dedicated to YOU, my friends, with love.

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