Monday, December 1, 2014

LETTING GO - The 30 Day Countdown

As I write this, there are only 30 days left in 2014. 

After surviving a very intense and challenging year in my personal life, (can I get a witness??!!) I've been experiencing a life-theme of "Letting Go" for several weeks now.  Rather than focusing on what I need to add to my life to be whole and happy, and focusing on what's missing, I've been thinking about what I can subtract, what I can give up to make room for better things.  Rather than asking myself "What do I want and need", I've been asking myself the question, "What can I live without and let go of?"  I just finished writing a new song rooted in the "Letting Go" theme last week, and I was in the midst of writing a blog post tonight entitled "30 Day Countdown - Things To Let Go Of Before The New Year". 

Well, as fate would have it, I received a link to another blog post tonight while I was in the process of writing mine, entitled "30 Things To Let Go Of Before The New Year".  Freaky coincidence?  I don't think so.  I don't believe in coincidences.  I stopped in my tracks and read this blog.  It said everything I wanted to say, and much more.  It was as if I had a some kind of psychic scribe who read my heart and mind, and delivered this powerful message to me, already penned and wrapped up in a bow.

This particular blog is not a blog I've ever read before tonight, so I can't officially recommend it, and I know nothing about the author.  However, I certainly do recommend this blog post!  I'll definitely be back for more.  I've never "re-blogged" anything before, but this is worth sharing.


So, here is "30 Things To Let Go Of Before The New Year"!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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